laity apostolate
The Apostolate of the Laity is to nurture the life and growth of Christian life at all levels, particularly at the Small Christian Community level. The main goal is that it will be properly implemented according to the norms and teachings of Vatican II Ecumenical Council[1].
The laity apostolate is quite active from the grass-root level (small Christian community level) to the Archdiocesan level. The council of the laity are well structured at all levels and are functioning properly. We have a good number of lay apostolate Associations such as Catholic Women, Youth, Missionary Childhood, Leggio Maria, Sacred Heart of Jesus, etc. In addition, there are two movements, namely the Catholic Charismatic and the Neo-Catechumenate[2].
[1] The council called between 2,000 and 2,500 bishops and thousands of observers, auditors, sisters, laymen and laywomen to four sessions at St. Peter's Basilica between 1962 and 1965. Cultural changes in the aftermath of World War II spelled a need to reconsider church practices. These meetings did just that — 16 documents in total came out of it, laying a foundation for the church as we know it today.
[2] The period of instruction in the faith before baptism and admission of converts to the Catholic Church. The Second Vatican Council set down specific directives on the catechumenate by: 1. distinguishing between the more intense and normally prolonged catechumenate in mission lands: 2. stressing the importance of not only instruction but training in the practice of virtue; 3. pointing out the responsibility of the whole Christian community to co-operate in the preparation of catechumens; and 4. directing that the catechumenate be integrated with the liturgical year, and the celebration of the Paschal Mystery (the passing of Christ’s life in four stages: is suffering and death, resurrection, and ascension).